Ayurveda Pur organic herbal tea has character! It is composed exclusively of spices known for their virtues and benefits. This spicy blend is perfect for physical and mental fitness. Cinnamon and ginger are very present in this ayurvedic tea. Once the first sip tasted, we find the pepper and the cloves which enter in scene to offer us a seasoned evolution. The five elements present in this tea are perfect for the digestion.
Preparation Tips
Infusion time
5-10 min
Time of day
All day long
15-20g / L
Liste des ingrédients :
Cinnamon sticks, ginger, black pepper, cloves, cardamom.
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According to Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, the balance between body and mind is based on three doshas (vital energy): Vata - air dosha, Pitta - fire dosha and Kapha - earth dosha. At Thés & Traditions, we offer an Ayurvedic herbal tea for each dosha. Our Pure Ayurveda herbal tea made from organic ingredients is a VATA blend. This herbal tea combining the benefits of cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, cloves and cardamom is the ideal product to warm the body and stimulate the mind.
Developed according to Ayurvedic principles, the Ayurveda Pur organic tea balances the Vata dosha. Real concentrate of energy, this ayurvedic infusion cinnamon - ginger is appreciated for its benefits on :
For a total synergy, Thés & Traditions offers an Ayurveda box composed of 4 Ayurvedic herbal tea bags combining the benefits of plants, flowers, fruits and spices such as licorice, fennel, mint, hibiscus, pineapple or turmeric.
Your Ayurveda Pur Bio herbal tea will give the best of itself with a low calcareous and low mineralized water. To release the flavor of the cinnamon and ginger, the infusion water of your Ayurveda herbal tea must be boiling, contrary to herbal teas based on fresh flowers and leaves which require a simmering water.
The ideal quantity of Pure Organic Ayurveda tea is 15 to 20 g for one liter of water. That is to say 3 to 5 g of product for an individual infusion with a spicy taste.
The infusion of Ayurveda Pure Organic herbal tea with ginger and cinnamon requires a water temperature of 100°C. It will be necessary to wait 5 to 10 minutes so that this natural product containing plants and spices releases its savour and transmits all its benefits.
Ayurveda Pure Organic herbal tea can be enjoyed hot or cold, plain or with manuka honey. Sought after for its benefits on digestion, this Ayurvedic infusion made of plants and spices full of energy is an alternative to green and black teas to fight stress gently from breakfast.
At Thés & Traditions, our Pure Organic Ayurveda tea is offered in bulk. The packaging in zipped bags or in hermetic boxes guarantees the quality of this natural product. To preserve the flavor and the benefits of the ingredients contained in your Ayurvedic herbs and spices mixtures, be sure to carefully close your bags between two infusions.
All our products, teas, rooibos, chaï, matcha, herbal teas and infusions are certified organic and from fair trade. Let yourself be seduced by our large choice of scented or natural teas and organic plant mixtures and don't forget to leave your evaluation in our customer review section. On Thés & Traditions, you benefit from a free delivery from 45 euros of purchase.
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